Support the Girl Child

Our primary work is to advocate against child marriage and promote girls’ education. We strive to ensure that all girls in Uganda can stay in school, stay healthy and have the futures they dream of.

Support Our Programs

We have a wide range of programs geared at ending child marriage, promoting sexual and reproductive health education, menstrual health and hygiene management and gender equality among others.

Join Our Cause

Child marriage is painfully a global problem that happens across countries, cultures, religions and ethnicities. Work with us to understand the scale of the problem and what is being done to end it in Uganda.

We advocate against child marriage and promote girls’ education


We are building a generation of empowered girls.

Gufasha Girls Foundation is a non-profit community based organization whose primary work is to advocate against child marriage and promote girls’ education.



Meet The Founder

In 2012,Joan lost her bestfriend (Gufasha Moureen) who was forced into child marriage at the age of 13 to a 62 year old man. Moureen lost her life at childbirth being too young to give birth and never recieved fast medical care.
On realizing that Child Marriage was continously practised in her community and kept on robbing childhoods and futures of adolescent girls,Joan founded Gufasha Girls Foundation in memory of Moureen and started advocating against Child Marriage to challenge negative social and cultural norms by creating awareness in her community about the dangers of child marriage and importance of girls’ education.

Her dream is to see every girl in school,educated and empowered to make better decisions for their lives and become important people in the World.

I believe a World without child marriage is possible only if we fight for it together

What we Do

Explore Our Programs

We are committed to reaching the most vulnerable girl children to change their lives, give them hope and build a generation of empowered girls and women.

Child Marriage

End Child Marriage

Child marriage is a form of gender-based violence and a violation of Human rights yet globally 12 million girls are married off before the age of 18 years, meaning 23 girls are married off every minute and nearly 1 in 2 seconds.


Girl Child Education

Education is not only a fundamental Human right but also a potent tool in the fight against Child marriage. Through scholarships and providing scholastic materials , we support education of less privileged girls 

Medical & Health

Menstrual Health & Hygiene Management

Thousands of girls in the rural areas of Kayunga district have little or incomplete  knowledge and are not prepared and aware of menstruation, lack access to sanitary pads or unable to afford them.